Fear of the unknown • Covid-19 anxiety • school refusal • creative kid challenges • peace in the home • twice-exceptional • neurodivergent kids • childhood anxiety & depression • social skills • behavior modification with kindness • self-esteem • child of divorce • ADHD • OCD • Gifted & Talented (GATE) enrichment • parenting or co-parenting coaching • Dad coaching • conversation help for shy kids • school transitions • sibling rivalry • communication issues • distance learning fatigue • lack of motivation • cursive writing training (for when thoughts move quicker than the hand.) 


Fear of the unknown • Covid-19 anxiety • school refusal • creative kid challenges • peace in the home • twice-exceptional • neurodivergent kids • childhood anxiety & depression • social skills • behavior modification with kindness • self-esteem • child of divorce • ADHD • OCD • Gifted & Talented (GATE) enrichment • parenting or co-parenting coaching • Dad coaching • conversation help for shy kids • school transitions • sibling rivalry • communication issues • distance learning fatigue • lack of motivation • cursive writing training (for when thoughts move quicker than the hand.)  〰️

"I'm tired, frustrated and just trying to be a good parent. Can you help me help my child?"

It's late, maybe even the wee hours, and here you are anxiously searching amongst the mountain of options for parenting help in Los Angeles or even online to try to make things easier. What you really need is just someone to help you get your life back in the midst of a whirlwind of getting your kiddos out the door for school, managing music classes, sports, creative endeavors and the endless wondering about private, charter, magnet, SAS or good old-fashioned LAUSD or other public neighborhood schools. Sure all parents could use some help, but you know... this time it feels different.

If you are concerned about your creative kiddo being misunderstood, or you & your child are in an endless spiral of yelling, not listening, social skills issues, motivation issues or problems at school, it may be more than you can handle on your own. If your spouse or co-parent is not on the same page about bedtime, discipline, homework or meal-time drama, it can be exhausting and so very frustrating. If there are special needs, trauma, divorce or grief in your background — it gets even more complicated. 

My work as a school-based counselor, an art educator, and as a parent myself, has given me the real-world tools I just love to share with new and even seasoned parents. I help adults (and kids!) understand the science behind their brains, and the secrets of child development, which will bring you a new awareness and a fresh, loving, and kinder approach. The art-making we do provides you a quiet and enjoyable process for stress reduction as well as insight into the baggage carried from your own childhood and perhaps the parenting methods you only use because your parents modeled them. Art Therapy provides a catalyst for conversation and a way to begin when you don't know where to start.

Learning to have an awareness of triggers for emotional dysregulation, task avoidance or completion, and customized coping skills for distress experienced at school or at home can be game-changing for your family.

> Click here to get started, and let's create a colorful calming roadmap for you and your family.

Andrew has a few select spots he’s saving for mentoring new Dads, or even helping seasoned ones with conflict resolution and how to parent with empathy while still “holding the edges of the pool.”
> Click here for more info… Dad coaching at The Limbic Lounge

Unique Creative Offering! Cursive writing no longer is taught in most schools and I find kids are having a tough time when their brains move faster than their hands can write block letters. I use art materials and special tactile techniques to help ease anxiety around writing and take that extra strain off homework and classroom struggles.

Help for college students and grad students too! During this stressful launching time of life, it is so important to have a trusted neutral adult to share your concerns with, and learn strategies from, in a safe, caring and respectful manner. While you are no longer a kid, your brain is still developing and I can help you understand it and how to navigate these important identity-forming years.

Please note: While I do help many children of divorce learn to understand their new normal and ease the tension, trauma and anxiety that can affect them for a lifetime, I am not trained nor certified as a court expert, and as such, do not offer court custody evaluations.